Nation Honors Martyrs on Defence Day, Commits to Homeland Security

Islamabad: Defence and Martyrs Day is being observed across Pakistan today with solemn tributes to the nation’s martyrs and heroes, and a reaffirmation of the commitment to defend the country against any threats. The observance marks the anniversary of the 1965 conflict, when Indian forces attempted an incursion, only to be repelled by the collective resilience and bravery of the Pakistani people.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the day began with a 31-gun salute in the Federal Capital and a 21-gun salute in all provincial capitals. Special prayers were offered during the Fajar prayers in mosques throughout the country for the nation’s progress and prosperity, as well as for the independence of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Additional commemorative activities, including Fateha and Quran Khawani, are scheduled throughout the day to honor those who lost their lives defending Pakistan.

Radio Pakistan is also participating in today’s tributes with a series of special broadcasts that highlight the valor of the Shuhada and Ghazis during the 1965 war, ensuring their sacrifices are remembered and honored across generations.