Naseerabad Tackles Fertilizer Shortage, Provincial Adviser Promises Government Action

Naseerabad: In response to the acute shortage of agricultural fertilizers affecting local farmers, Provincial Adviser for Labor and Manpower Sardar Baba Ghulam Rasool Imrani visited the extension office in Naseerabad to discuss solutions with stakeholders.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, during his visit, the Adviser engaged with a diverse group of local farmers, former ministers, and agricultural officials to address the pressing issues related to fertilizer supply in the district. Deputy Director Agriculture Extension Zaheer Ahmed Imrani presented the stark demand statistics: the district requires substantial amounts of urea, DAP, and nitrophorus during the Kharif and Rabi agricultural seasons.

The discussions underscored the strategic importance of Naseerabad as Balochistan’s green belt and highlighted the severe implications of the current supply deficits on farming operations. The Adviser endorsed a proposal to relocate the regional fertilizer distribution center from Sukkur to Quetta, which would significantly enhance access to fertilizers for Naseerabad’s farmers by aligning with 70% of Balochistan’s fertilizer quota.

Further governmental interventions were discussed, including negotiations with the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Sarfaraz Khan Bugti, to increase the province’s fertilizer quota and consultations with the CEO of FCC to potentially restore the Quetta Region Office. These measures aim to stabilize the agricultural sector, which is deemed the backbone of the country’s economy.

Sardar Baba Ghulam Rasool Imrani emphasized the provincial government’s commitment to resolving these issues through detailed discussions with key stakeholders and assured that all possible resources would be mobilized to support the economic stability of local farmers. The visit concluded with a comprehensive review of the Extension Office’s operations and challenges, highlighting the government’s proactive stance in addressing the agricultural concerns of Naseerabad.