Naseerabad Officials Convene to Enhance Anti-Polio Efforts, Targeting Over 463,000 Children

Naseerabad: In a robust move to eradicate polio, a critical meeting of divisional officers took place under the leadership of Commissioner Naseerabad Division, Moinur Rahman Khan. The session, held via video link, saw the participation of numerous district officers including Deputy Commissioner Naseerabad Munir Ahmad Kakar, Divisional Coordinator of WHO Dr. Yasir Baloch, and District Health Officer Dr. Muhammad Hasan Domki, among others.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the meeting’s agenda focused heavily on the ongoing anti-polio campaign within the division. Each officer provided updates on the progress and challenges of the anti-polio efforts in their respective districts. Commissioner Khan emphasized the critical nature of the campaign, stating that any laxity in executing national duties was unacceptable and that the division’s target of vaccinating 463,718 children must be met.

The meeting also addressed the operational aspects of the campaign. It was highlighted that all line department officers, responsible for oversight, must efficiently address and resolve any monitoring issues, utilizing all available resources to ensure the success of the initiative. Special attention was called to security arrangements, with instructions that no field teams should proceed without accompanying police or Levies personnel, ensuring the safety of polio workers.

Furthermore, the importance of thorough training for all polio workers was underscored to prevent any field challenges. The meeting concluded with a strong commitment to overcoming any identified shortcomings and enhancing awareness and preparedness at all transit points to ensure no child misses out on polio vaccinations.