Naseerabad Authorities Strategize Flood Response and Canal System Repairs

Naseerabad: In response to the monsoon rains and subsequent flooding, Naseerabad Division officials, led by Provincial Minister of Irrigation Mir Muhammad Sadiq Imrani, convened to address infrastructure vulnerabilities and ensure effective flood management.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the meeting, held at the Commissioner Naseerabad Division Office and chaired by Commissioner Moinur Rehman Khan, involved a detailed briefing by Superintending Engineer Irrigation Abdul Hameed Mengal on the current rain and flood situation. Key issues such as the deterioration of canal sub-branches were discussed, with a focus on immediate remedial actions to prevent further damage.

During the session, extensive plans were outlined, including the allocation of 62 billion rupees for the remodeling of the Pit Feeder Canal, a project overdue since 1986. Minister Imrani emphasized the urgency of de-silting the canal to restore water supply to farmers promptly. An additional 1000 million rupees have been designated for urgent irrigation and drainage improvements.

Looking ahead, the construction of 18 dams along the Kutchi Canal was announced, representing an investment of 50 billion rupees aimed at mitigating flood risks and harnessing floodwaters for beneficial uses. The meeting also confirmed the availability of emergency funds for monsoon-related incidents and highlighted ongoing efforts to safeguard residents and agricultural assets throughout the division.

Officials were urged to strengthen the integrity of the canal systems and remain actively engaged in addressing public concerns during the flood season, ensuring both their presence in affected areas and the continuity of essential services.