NA standing committee on affected employees meets today

Islamabad, May 19, 2023 (PPI-OT): In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 49 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the National Assembly, 2007 the Honourable Speaker has been pleased to call Sitting of the National Assembly on Monday, the 22nd May, 2023 at 4.00 pm instead of Tuesday, the 23rd May, 2023 at 12:00 noon.

The 48th meeting of the Committee for Affected Employees was held today (Thursday) at the Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Affairs Hall under the chairmanship of Professor Dr. Qadir Khan Mandukhel. Intelligence Bureau.

The IB officers told the committee that in the light of the committee’s orders, 172 contract employees have been regularized, now only 93 employees are left who are overage as per the rules and regulations. The committee ordered that 93 employees In order to regularize, the establishment division and the finance ministry should hold a meeting and find a solution and regularize it soon.

Cabinet Division

The officers of PTDC, a subsidiary of the cabinet division, while giving the implementation report, told the committee that 2 meetings of the Board have been held and the implementation report of the orders should be given soon, on which the committee said that the meeting is being held now. Come to implementation. Muhammad Fayyaz, the employee, told the committee that in 2010, 140 employees with me were regularized, only I was not, the court also gave a decision in my favor, but the organization fired me.

The officers did not have any satisfactory reply on which the committee ordered that Muhammad Fayyaz be reinstated with full privileges and report to the committee within a week. Issued a show cause notice and directed the Establishment Division and Speaker Ada to fire MDPTDC Aftar-ur-Rehman and FIA was also directed to conduct a complete inquiry of MDPTDE.

The report should be given to the committee. An employee named Muhammad Pervez told the committee that we have not been reinstated yet. Order to solve the problems of Syed Qamar Shah, Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Din Shah and Rao Muhammad Yusuf employees, Muhammad Pervez etc. 7 employees. A complete report has been requested from the establishment division.

The cabinet division has asked for a report within a week about the employees of Pepra, a subsidiary of the cabinet division, Muhammad Irfan, etc., PTA employee Sultan Baksh told the committee that we are 5 employees and their orders have not been implemented. The committee called for the report of the examinees.

The National Food Security

Officers while giving a report to the committee said that 3 employees in the ministry will be regularized within three days and the report of 471 has been sent to the establishment division.

Pakistan Agricultural Research Council

PRRC employees Ghulam Qadir and Askari Syed told the committee that we were also regularized by the committee with Khurshid Shah Sahib, but it is not being implemented. The committee asked for the report of 936 non-permanent employees. I had no response from the officers. Issued a show cause notice to the committee member PARC and due to non-implementation of the committee’s orders dated 21 December 2022, Chairman and Secretary PARC regularized 936 employees. Order to report to the committee and summon the chairman and secretary in their personal capacity.

Ajmal Khan etc. also asked for a report regarding making 138 non-permanent employees permanent.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Fisheries Department, Muhammad Junaid, had no record of the implementation of the committee’s orders, nor was there any information about the number of employees in his knowledge. To be regularized as per the orders of the meeting. On being called by the religious affairs committee, the officers appeared and apologized and said that we could not get the notice of the meeting due to which the officers did not appear, so give us some time and we will appear with the implementation report, the committee ordered the regularization of employee Akhtar Chandev and sought a report on the applications of all other employees,

Ministry of Energy Division.

An implementation report was sought from Multan Electric Power Company (MAPCO), a subsidiary of the Ministry of Energy Division, the officers did not have any response, the committee further asked why 589 employees were not regularized, 1214 daily wages, 637 contract and 855 Why the orders regarding the employees with PM package were not implemented, the committee summoned the energy secretary by issuing a show cause notice and called for a report on the implementation of the orders issued against Chief Executive Officer Allahyar.

Ministry of Energy

The officers of Peshawar Electric Supply Company were asked for a report on the implementation of the orders regarding 56 engineers and 116 other employees. The officers did not have a satisfactory answer. Aggrieved and ordered that the salaries of 137 employees be stopped and action against all the members of the Board of Directors for approving the recruitment of these 137 employees and ordered to stop all benefits including the salaries of the Chief Executive Officer Pesco and Chairman Board. . Reports of 800 affected Daily Wages employees of Pisco sought.


The recruitment has been stopped on the order of the committee and you are requested to form a committee and solve the problems through a meeting. The chairman of the committee said that there was no response to the clear orders of the committee Why not implemented. Why not 170 daily wages were made permanent, why the problems of 1000, 79 and 233 bill distributors were not solved. The committee ordered that within 5 days the Chief Executive Officer ISCO should make the non-permanent employees permanent. In addition, the committee ordered the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Board Qamarul Salam to implement the orders of the meeting held on December 21, 2022, and asked for a report on the request of former audit officer Muhammad Asif.

An implementation report was sought from the officers of the Ministry of Energy Division

JENCO. The officers assured the committee that they would make the non-permanent employees permanent within 10 days. Manoor Hussain etc. employees’ report was sought.

Show-cause notice and approval of privilege motion to Karachi Electric Supply ‘s Chief Executive of Electric for continuous non-implementation. Ordered to meet with 10 employees to solve the problems, the officers assured that on Thursday, May 25, a meeting will be held with the employees at the K Electric head office and a report will be given to the committee.


Officers told the committee that they have taken approval from the board to regularize the employees.

Fesco officials said that we have taken approval from the board to regularize the employees with 730 PM package on the order of the committee, but in the meantime, the implementation has stopped due to a letter issued by the establishment, the committee ordered. That we do not accept the letter which is being mentioned and all the companies and DISCOs of power division are ordered to cancel this letter and to implement the orders of the committee.

National Assembly MNA Alia Kamran, Naveed Ameer Jeeva, Kishore Zahra, Qasim Noon, Salahuddin Ayubi and Ali Gohar Baloch participated in the meeting.

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