NA Speaker Marks August 19 as ‘Black Day’ in Pakistan’s Parliamentary History

Islamabad: National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq declared August 19 as a ‘Black Day’ in the parliamentary history of Pakistan, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the 2014 attack on Parliament. This day marks a significant moment of reflection for the nation, as it recalls the siege and vandalism of Parliament House by protestors from various political factions, which Sadiq describes as a direct attack on democratic values.

According to National Assembly of Pakistan, Speaker Sadiq delivered a solemn message on the eve of this somber anniversary, emphasizing the Parliament’s role as the pinnacle of national sovereignty that commands utmost respect and protection. He recounted the disturbing events of the day, highlighting the critical challenge posed to democracy when protestors blocked MPs’ access to Parliament and attempted to derail the democratic process.

The Speaker commended the courage displayed by parliamentarians, staff, and security personnel who stood firm against the assault, preserving the institution’s integrity. He also praised the unity and decisive action of the then-ruling party, the opposition led by the Pakistan Peoples Party, and other political entities in repelling the attack. Sadiq lamented the lasting impact of the protests, including the international repercussions such as the cancellation of a state visit by the President of China, which resulted in significant economic losses for Pakistan.

Deputy Speaker Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah also commented on the incident, labeling it as a manifestation of anti-democratic forces and stressing the importance of political unity to safeguard the nation’s democratic framework against future threats.