Muzaffarabad Hosts Large Protest Against Modi’s Visit to Kashmir

Muzaffarabad, A significant protest erupted in Muzaffarabad today in response to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, the protest, organized by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir, saw a large turnout in front of the Central Press Club. It was led by prominent figures including Pasban-e-Hurriyet Chairman Uzair Ahmad Ghazali, alongside Usman Ali Hashim, Shaukat Javed Mir, and several others who are well-known for their advocacy for Kashmiri rights.

The speakers at the demonstration forcefully articulated that the presence of Narendra Modi in Srinagar, under heavy military protection, does not alter the disputed nature of the Kashmir conflict. They voiced the Kashmiri people’s outright rejection of Modi’s visit and the Hindutva agenda he represents. The demonstrators labeled India’s role in occupied Kashmir as that of an occupier and aggressor, highlighting the revocation of Article 370 and 35A on August 5, 2019, which stripped Jammu and Kashmir of its special status.

Furthermore, the speakers referenced a decision by the Supreme Court of India on December 11 of the previous year, which upheld the controversial actions taken by the Modi administration regarding Kashmir’s special status. They pledged that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be in vain and affirmed their continued struggle for complete independence from Indian rule. The protest also criticized Modi’s attempts to legitimize India’s control over Jammu and Kashmir through the announcement of development packages during his visit.

The gathering called on the United Nations to honor its commitments, allowing the Kashmiri people the right to self-determination. Following the speeches, protestors marched from the Central Press Club to Burhan Wani Shaheed Chowk, demonstrating their resilience and ongoing commitment to the cause of Kashmiri independence.