Muzaffarabad Conference Calls for UN Action on Kashmir Dispute

Muzaffarabad, A conference in Muzaffarabad, organized by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK), has called on the United Nations to actively implement its resolutions to resolve the longstanding Kashmir dispute.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the conference, marking the Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination Day, featured speakers who vehemently opposed India’s illegal occupation of Kashmir. They highlighted the unyielding nature of the Kashmiri freedom movement despite Indian state terrorism and criticized the international community, particularly the United Nations, for its inaction, allowing Indian troops to continue committing human rights violations in the occupied territory.

The speakers pointed out that since 1989, Indian troops have been responsible for the deaths of approximately 100,000 Kashmiris and have subjected thousands to custodial disappearances. They emphasized that India initially brought the Kashmir issue to the United Nations but reneged on its promise to allow Kashmiris the right to self-determination, instead intensifying its military occupation of the region.

The conference’s call to action urged the United Nations to take serious notice of India’s ongoing oppressive tactics in Kashmir and pressure New Delhi to recognize the Kashmiris’ inherent right to self-determination.

Notable speakers at the event included Hurriyat leaders and activists such as Chaudhry Shaheen Iqbal, Shoaib Shah, Dr. Younis Mir, and several others. The conference was attended by a significant number of people, demonstrating widespread support for the Kashmiri cause.

The conference concluded with a special prayer for the recently deceased Kashmiri leader, Professor Nazir Ahmed Shawl, who passed away in London.