Mushaal Hussein Mullick Demands Real Plebiscite, Rejects “Sham” Elections in Kashmir

Islamabad: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, declared that Kashmiris are seeking true freedom through a legitimate plebiscite, not the farcical elections imposed by Indian authorities in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mullick, in a video message concerning the upcoming elections in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), emphasized that the Kashmiri people demand a free and fair plebiscite as per United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, rather than participate in what she termed fraudulent elections conducted under the oppressive presence of Indian military forces.

Mullick criticized the Indian government for its attempts to perpetuate their control over the Kashmir valley through terror and coercive tactics, rather than addressing the Kashmiris’ genuine aspirations for self-determination in accordance with the UNSC resolutions and the partition agreement. She challenged the Indian government to demonstrate its commitment to democratic principles by releasing Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders, including her husband, and other wrongfully imprisoned individuals to facilitate a genuine plebiscite.

Furthermore, Mullick condemned the ongoing Indian efforts to maintain the status quo in Kashmir through illegal and deceptive strategies. She reiterated her stance that the Kashmiri struggle is fundamentally a fight for self-determination and liberation from Indian dominance, rejecting the legitimacy of the elections and the candidates promoted by the Indian regime.

In her message, Mullick affirmed the Kashmiri people’s resolve to boycott what she described as fake and fraudulent elections, insisting that nothing short of complete freedom would be acceptable to the people of Kashmir.