Bengaluru, Allegations have surfaced against Prajwal Revanna, a member of parliament from a BJP ally in Karnataka, involving severe sexual assault charges. Reports indicate that over 400 women have been assaulted, creating a turmoil across the nation. The accused has allegedly fled to Germany, escaping legal repercussions.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the depth of these allegations reveals a troubling abuse of power and exploitation, emphasizing the vulnerability of women in Indian society. It is reported that Revanna utilized recordings of the assaults to blackmail the victims, adding to their suffering.
Further distress is expressed by the victims who recount enduring repeated rape and threats. Despite numerous complaints, the Modi government has allegedly failed to act, igniting fierce public and political backlash. Opposition leaders like Rahul Gandhi have criticized the government’s non-response, framing the situation as a reflection of the administration’s disregard for serious crimes.