Karachi, In a tragic incident in Samba district, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, a teenager lost his life, and another was critically injured following the explosion of a mortar shell. The event has raised concerns about the presence of unexploded ordnance in civilian areas.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the victim, identified as 19-year-old Pawan Singh from the village of Chandli, was killed in the blast. Another youth, Roshan Singh, sustained serious injuries when the mortar shell they were reportedly handling exploded in a forest area within the jurisdiction of the Goran police post in Samba. The injured youth was immediately transported to the Government Medical College (GMC) in Jammu for treatment.
Following the incident, local police have initiated an investigation and registered a case to ascertain the circumstances leading to the explosion. This incident highlights the dangerous and sometimes fatal consequences of unexploded ordnance in conflict zones, posing a significant risk to civilians, especially in rural and forested areas.
The community is currently grappling with the aftermath of this unexpected tragedy, reflecting the broader issue of safety in regions affected by military activities.