MoFA Launches Walk-In Apostille Legalization in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi

Islamabad: Starting tomorrow, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) will implement a new walk-in service for Apostille legalization, available at its main office in Islamabad and liaison offices in Lahore and Karachi. This service, designed to streamline the process, does not require prior appointments, facilitating easier access for the public.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the new fee structure for Apostille certification has been set, with varying costs depending on the type of document. Personal and educational documents will incur a fee of three thousand rupees each. Legal documents will be processed for four thousand and five hundred rupees per document, while commercial documents will cost twelve thousand rupees each.

The introduction of walk-in services aims to make the legalization process more accessible and efficient for individuals and businesses requiring document certification for international use.