Modi’s Ukraine Visit Highlights Contradictions in Indian Foreign Policy

Islamabad: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s upcoming trip to Ukraine has stirred discussions about the inconsistencies in India’s foreign policy, particularly in light of its close ties with Russia during the ongoing conflict.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Modi’s visit comes amidst heightened tensions in Ukraine and follows a period of significant engagement with Russia, including receiving Russia’s highest honor during the attack on a Ukrainian children’s hospital. This award was in recognition of Modi’s contributions and has sparked global debate over India’s dual stance.

During his previous engagements with Russia, Modi secured agreements, including one for the repatriation of Indian nationals who fought for Russia against Ukraine. Despite advocating support for Ukraine, India has continued to purchase Russian oil and acquired advanced S-400 missile systems from Russia, underlining the complex relationship between the two countries.

These actions pose questions about whether Modi’s visit to Ukraine represents a shift in strategy or is merely an opportunistic move amidst global criticisms of India’s balancing act in foreign affairs.