New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent speeches, which specifically targeted the Muslim community, have incited significant backlash and criticism throughout India, sparking concerns over their impact on communal harmony and the integrity of the electoral process.
According to Kashmir Media Service, activists and civil society organizations have accused Modi of breaching the model code of conduct and electoral laws with his communal remarks. In Jharkhand, activists lodged a formal complaint against the Prime Minister, alleging that his speeches not only provoke communal discord but also falsely accuse the Congress party of favoring Muslims over other communities. Similar grievances have emerged from Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan, demanding that the Election Commission address these infractions.
The lack of action from the Election Commission in response to these complaints has heightened anxieties about potential biases in the electoral process and the risk of increased communal violence and hate crimes. As the election progresses, the scrutiny of the Commission’s responses or the lack thereof will be critical in determining the fairness of the electoral proceedings.