SRINAGAR, The Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has introduced a controversial measure in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) by equipping its police with GPS tracker anklets. This move is seen as a method to intensify surveillance on the Kashmiri population.
According to Kashmir Media Service reports that the introduction of these wearable devices, which are affixed around the ankles of individuals to monitor their movements, is part of a broader strategy by the Modi regime to keep a close watch on every Kashmiri, treating them as potential freedom fighters or supporters of the freedom struggle. The implementation of these GPS tracker anklets has been given legal justification, with officials stating that the deployment followed an order from a Special NIA Court.
This development has raised serious concerns about privacy and personal freedom in the occupied territory, highlighting the Indian government’s invasive tactics in managing dissent and resistance in Kashmir.