Modi regime hatching conspiracies to deprive Kashmiris of their identity, homeland 

Srinagar, January 12, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, political experts and analysts have said that Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government is hatching conspiracies to deprive the Kashmiris of their identity and homeland. According to Kashmir Media Service, the political experts and analysts in their interviews and statements in Srinagar said the RSS-backed Modi regime is hell bent upon converting occupied Kashmir’s Muslim majority into a minority. They said as part of snatching Kashmiris’ identity, India is granting domicile status to Indian citizens in the occupied territory. “Hindutva leaders are openly announcing to efface Kashmir’s unique identity. Reviving pre-Islamic Hindu civilization in Kashmir is the goal of BJP and RSS.

BJP-RSS want fulfilment of their long-held desire of total integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India,” they deplored. The political experts and analysts pointed out that Narendra Modi wants to establish Hindu civilization in occupied Kashmir. They said Kashmiris will never allow BJP and RSS to snatch away their identity and prefer death over becoming slaves of Hindutva forces. The political experts and analysts maintained that global champions of human rights should speak for the Kashmiris’ rights and India must be brought to book for violating international laws in IIOJK.

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