Srinagar, The Indian government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has seized additional land in the Gandarbal district of Jammu and Kashmir, continuing its series of actions against the local population. The latest move involves attaching a piece of land under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), a law that has been widely criticized for its draconian nature.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the land, measuring 10 Marlas and located in the Revenue Estate Wakoora, belongs to Lateef Ahmad Kambay, a resident of Wakoora in the Gandarbal district. The order for the seizure was issued by the Additional Session Judge of the National Investigation Agency court in Gandarbal.
This action is seen as part of the broader policies of the Modi regime aimed at suppressing the voices of the Kashmiri people, particularly their calls for the right to self-determination. Lateef Ahmad Kambay, the owner of the attached land, is currently detained in the Central Jail Srinagar on charges that are alleged to be fabricated.
The use of UAPA in Jammu and Kashmir has been a subject of intense debate and criticism, with many human rights groups and international observers expressing concern over the law’s application and its impact on the civil liberties of the Kashmiri people.