New Delhi, In a significant move, the Narendra Modi-led Indian government has sanctioned a robust security detail of over 150 Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel for the Ayodhya airport. This decision comes just days ahead of the much-anticipated inauguration ceremony at the Ram temple, scheduled for the 22nd of this month.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the Maharishi Valmiki International Airport in Ayodhyadham has become the 68th civil airport terminal in India to be protected by the Aviation Security Group (ASG) of the CISF, as per Indian media reports. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has sanctioned this armed contingent, led by an officer of Deputy Commandant rank, to oversee the security operations at the airport, which spans over 821 acres.
The CISF personnel will be responsible for passenger and baggage frisking and securing the perimeter of the facility, akin to the security protocols followed at other national and international airports in the country.
This deployment of CISF personnel at the Ayodhya airport, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in December of the previous year, reflects the government’s heightened focus on security in this significant and sensitive area.