Srinagar, In an effort allegedly aimed at reshaping the historical narrative of the region, the government under Narendra Modi is said to have embarked on a mission to modify the cultural identity of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). This includes actions such as renaming historical sites and institutions.
According to a news release by Kashmir Media Service, the administration, with its Hindutva inclinations, has pursued initiatives to construct Hindu temples, modify the Kashmiri language, and adjust its historical narrative, among other changes. The government, as per the release, seems intent on distancing IIOJK from its Muslim ties and history.
Furthermore, the proxy governance installed in IIOJK has reportedly approved the christening of numerous public infrastructure entities, like educational institutions, roads, and sports arenas, after the Indian military. Such alterations mirror changes implemented across other regions of India since 2014. This course of action is perceived not merely as infrastructural modification but a more profound redefinition of shared historical memory and an intent to impinge on Kashmir’s Muslim legacy.
The inhabitants of IIOJK have historically faced oppression from Indian forces, especially post the annulment of Kashmir’s distinctive status on August 5, 2019. With the current deployment of approximately a million Indian soldiers in the region, apprehensions regarding potential demographic shifts prevail, echoing fears of reducing the existing Muslim majority.
Yet, despite the attempted transformations and identity challenges, the will of Kashmiri people remains resilient. They display an unwavering commitment to retaining their distinctive culture and resisting external impositions. With hopes pinned on the global community and rights organizations, especially the United Nations, Kashmiris continue to seek recognition of their self-determination rights as reflected in resolutions of the Security Council pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir.