Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Asserts Elections Cannot Resolve Kashmir Dispute, Calls for Dialogue

Srinagar: In a recent interview amidst the ongoing elections in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), declared that elections are not a substitute for the resolution process of the Kashmir dispute, highlighting the need for a meaningful dialogue involving all stakeholders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during his conversation with The Hindu, Mirwaiz emphasized that the Hurriyat supports engagement with the sentiments and deliberations on Kashmir, despite the current electoral processes. He outlined the complexities of the territory, which is split between India, Pakistan, and China, questioning the feasibility of India withdrawing from bilateral agreements with Pakistan or China retracting its position.

Mirwaiz critiqued New Delhi’s stance that the Hurriyat no longer holds relevance in Kashmir, asserting that the organization still represents the will and sentiment of the people. He recounted the severe measures taken against the Hurriyat leadership and members, including arrests and house detentions since 2017, leading to a weakened but persistent presence in the region.

He further criticized the enforcement of peace through oppressive measures, such as incarcerations, job dismissals, property seizures, and restrictions on local media and expression. Mirwaiz argued that true peace requires the consent of the Kashmiri people, not just policy-driven intimidation and disempowerment.

The Kashmiri leader denounced the claims of normalization in the region under the Modi regime, pointing to the ongoing crackdown on fundamental freedoms and the atmosphere of fear among the populace. He urged for a humanitarian approach to resolve the longstanding conflict, ensuring peace and dignity for the people of Kashmir.