Srinagar, Amid the ongoing social upheavals, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), has emphasized the critical role mosques should play beyond being mere venues for worship, advocating for their evolution into centers of social awareness and reform.
According to Kashmir Media Service, during the inauguration of the Muhaajir-e-Millat Masjid Shareef in Reshanhar, Nawa Kadal, Mirwaiz underscored the significance of mosques in fostering community cohesion and advocating for societal and personal betterment. He lauded the local community’s initiative in erecting the mosque and highlighted the broader objective that such establishments should serve – being the nucleus for value-based education of children and youth aligned with Islamic teachings and addressing communal challenges.
Mirwaiz’s address to scholars and imams accentuated the need for mosques to be vibrant with spiritual activities and to serve as platforms where community members can engage in collective reflection and welfare. He articulated a vision where mosques are instrumental in nurturing a caring, well-informed, and united community, especially during the observance of daily prayers and religious gatherings.
His message resonates with a call for action, encouraging religious leaders and the community at large to leverage the potential of mosques for greater societal impact, fostering an environment where moral and social upliftment are paramount.