Mirwaiz completes 180 consecutive Fridays under illegal house detention 

Srinagar, February 03, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Anjuman Auqaf of Jamia Masjid Srinagar, today, once again expressed concern over the continued illegal house detention of its chief, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq. The Anjuman in a statement issued in Srinagar said due to continued detention, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has not been able to perform the important duty of offering the Juma prayers at the historic mosque for the consecutive 180th Friday. Condemning this dictatorial behaviour of the authorities, the Anjuman termed it as a sheer interference in religion, a curb on freedom of expression and a serious violation of human rights.

The worshipers and devotees coming from the cities and villages of the valley are being deprived of benefiting from the sermons of Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir, which is causing great disappointment among the people, it said. The Anjuman emphasised that in view of the arrival of Rajab-ul-Murajjab, which is the month of the great miracle of the ascension of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the authorities should ensure the immediate release of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq so that he can fulfill his duties towards the people that have been continuing for centuries.

Meanwhile, during Friday prayer in the Jamia Masjid, today, rich tributes were paid to the founder of Anjuman Nusrat-ul-Islam Mirwaiz Allama Rasool Shah (RA) on the occasion of his 114th death anniversary. The Aquaf members as well as the worshippers present at the grand mosque paid homage to Mirwaiz Rasool Shah (RA) for his all-round services, especially in the field of education, to the nation of Kashmir.

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