Islamabad, July 28, 2022 (PPI-OT):A virtual meeting between the Parliamentary Development Unit (PDU) and Research team of the Research Directorate of the Senate and the officials from the Research department of the New Zealand Parliament on “Sharing Experiences and Best Practices on Parliamentary Research” was held on Thursday, the 28th July 2022, in the Senate Committee Room No. 4 Parliament House, Islamabad.
In line with the vision of the Hon’ble Chairman Senate regarding “Mutual Collaboration for Improving Parliamentary Performance; this interactive session was the first of its kind to develop and manage partnerships with International Parliaments and strengthen parliamentary institutions through enhanced capacities, performances, and parliamentary diplomacy.
Taking Parliamentary Research as a pivotal actor in assisting the parliament, this interactive session was organized aimed share parliamentary research practices, knowledge products, and research tools. Mr. Mir Shai Mazar Baloch (Director General, Coordination) welcomed the participants and emphasized strengthening parliamentary relations between the two sides.
Director Research presented the functions, composition, and experiences of the Research Directorate. It was particularly highlighted employing research tools in assistance to the Hon’ble Senators, and parliamentary committees. On the directions of the Hon’ble Chairman Senate, the Research Directorate took initiatives that were appreciated.
Mr. Darry Slater, Principal Research Adviser, and Mr. Jill Taylor, Manager, Research Services from the New Zealand Parliament gave an overview of the Research and Library Services provided to the MPs and the Parliamentary Committees. Both sides had a round of Q and A and interacted with each other concerning the practice of parliamentary research. Moreover, both sides mutually agreed and found many common paths to further developing parliamentary research development.
D.G. (Coord) thanked and proposed a Parliamentary Research Working Group comprised of both research teams that may be formulated to share research products, tools, knowledge-sharing, and exchange programs. Mr. Darry Slater and the team appreciated the presentation by the Senate’s Research Directorate and the organization of this interactive session. To make parliamentary research more effective and efficient, both sides proposed to have more interactive sessions and a bilateral exchange program through which visits from each side to be made in the future.
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Senate of Pakistan
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