Minister Abdul Aleem Khan Accelerates Construction of Business Facilitation Center in Islamabad

Islamabad: Minister for Privatization and Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan has emphasized the importance of expediting the construction of the Business Facilitation Center (BFC) in the federal capital, aiming to enhance services for business individuals. During a visit to the site, he issued directives to ensure both the quality and pace of the building efforts are maintained.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Minister discussed plans for the expansion of this model by establishing additional centers across various provinces. He highlighted the installation of forty counters in the BFC to operate concurrently, improving efficiency for business dealings. The center will also offer employment opportunities to young university graduates, providing them with attractive job packages.

Additionally, the Minister instructed the inclusion of a coffee shop within the center to cater to visitors, enhancing the facility’s hospitality and usability.