Srinagar, Mehbooba Mufti, leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has voiced significant concerns over the actions of the BJP-led Indian government in Jammu and Kashmir. As per her, these actions are part of a broader attempt to dilute the region’s core identity.
According to Kashmir Media Service, speaking at a road show in the Islamabad district, Mufti accused the Modi administration of appropriating the assets of the impoverished to benefit a handful of wealthy capitalists, which she described as a serious threat to the local populace. She called for immediate public action to counter what she sees as a multifaceted assault on Jammu and Kashmir’s distinctiveness.
Mufti’s speech also highlighted the current electoral process in the region, framing it as a crucial opportunity for residents to express their dissent against the policies implemented by the Indian government since the controversial revocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5, 2019. She emphasized that the election was less about political positions and more about electing representatives who could advocate for the restoration of rights and privileges previously held by the Kashmiri people.
“The ongoing elections are about sending that voice to the [Indian] Parliament that could expose those actions by virtue of which Jammu and Kashmir is being plundered of its rich wealth, its resources, its jobs, its lands, and more importantly its unique identity,” Mufti stated. She urged workers from the National Conference and Congress to set aside party differences and unite in the struggle to protect the regional identity of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mehbooba Mufti firmly declared, “We will not allow that to happen at all costs,” signaling a steadfast resistance to the Indian government’s policies in the region.