Masarrat Alam Butt Commemorates Burhan Wani as a Symbol of Kashmiri Resistance

New Delhi: Masarrat Alam Butt, the detained Chairman of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, has marked the martyrdom anniversary of Burhan Wani, hailing him as a pivotal figure in the Kashmiri struggle against Indian control.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Burhan Wani and two of his associates were killed by Indian forces in what was described as a staged encounter in the Kokernag area of Islamabad on July 8, 2016. From his cell in Tihar Jail, Masarrat Alam Butt issued a statement on the eve of the eighth anniversary of Wani’s death, calling him a role model for the Kashmiri resistance. He encouraged Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control to organize protest rallies, seminars, and other commemorative events in honor of Wani and his companions, who he said ignited the Kashmiri freedom movement with their sacrifices.

Butt underscored that Wani and his comrades have significantly energized the Kashmiri movement, reinforcing the determination among Kashmiris to continue their quest for freedom. He called for unity and collective effort to effectively pursue the struggle against what he termed Indian oppression.

Commemorative activities are planned for Wani’s martyrdom day, with Butt urging widespread participation to draw global attention to the ongoing issues in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Additional tributes to Wani were expressed by Molvi Bashir Ahmad Irfani, another detained APHC leader, who stated that Wani had transformed the Kashmir freedom movement, and by senior APHC leader Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, who reaffirmed his dedication to continuing Wani’s mission.

The narrative of resistance and the call for international intervention were echoed across various statements from Hurriyat leaders in Srinagar, who paid homage to Wani, describing him as a lasting symbol of resistance. They appealed to the international community to help resolve the Kashmir dispute in line with United Nations resolutions.

Meanwhile, the Peoples Political Front in Srinagar also held a meeting to honor Wani, discussing his contributions to the resistance movement spurred by injustices from Indian troops. The meeting concluded with calls for international support to end India’s alleged oppression and to push for a resolution of the Kashmir issue.