Leh Residents Begin ‘Delhi Chalo Padyatra’ to Highlight Ladakh’s Concerns

Leh: A significant march known as the ‘Delhi Chalo Padyatra’ commenced on Monday from Memorial Park in Leh, located in the Ladakh region of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The event marked the beginning of a 30-day journey to New Delhi, aimed at raising awareness and pressing for the demands specific to the Ladakh community.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the march was initiated by Thupstan Chhewang, Chairman of the Leh Apex Body. He was joined by Co-chairman Chering Dorje and other key figures in the region. The padyatra, organized by the Leh Apex Body, seeks to address Ladakh’s four-point agenda, which includes the implementation of the Sixth Schedule. The peaceful protest is led by renowned environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk and is scheduled to conclude in Delhi on October 2, coinciding with Gandhi Jayanti.

The participants of the march include a diverse group of religious leaders, activists, and concerned citizens. Among them is 75-year-old Tsering Namgyal, who voiced his concerns regarding the future of Ladakh and the growing issue of unemployment in the region. The initiative has received substantial backing, with anticipated support from members of the Kargil Democratic Alliance when the march reaches Delhi.

This padyatra follows a series of protests and hunger strikes aimed at highlighting the concerns of the Ladakh community. These include a 28-day hunger strike by Sonam Wangchuk and a subsequent 66-day strike involving thousands of volunteers. Local leaders in Leh have expressed their commitment to continuing the movement until their demands are met.