Lahore Police Intensifies Crackdown on Criminals and Court Fugitives

Lahore, In a major operation targeting criminals and fugitives, Lahore Police have arrested a total of 8,841 public accused, 14,154 court fugitives, and 4,040 ordinary accused this year. The crackdown spans various divisions across the city, as authorities step up efforts to enhance public safety and enforce the law.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, the spokesperson for Lahore Police detailed the arrests made across several divisions: In Cantt Division, 1,887 public accused, 2,116 fugitives, and 632 ordinary accused were arrested. Civil Lines Division saw the arrest of 722 public accused, 1,722 fugitives, and 235 ordinary accused. In City Division, police detained 1,947 public accused, 3,431 fugitives, and 1,438 ordinary accused. Iqbal Town Division reported 1,118 public accused, 2,082 fugitives, and 610 ordinary accused captured. Sadar Division’s operations led to 1,654 public accused, 2,397 fugitives, and 721 ordinary accused being apprehended, while Model Town Division accounted for 1,513 public accused, 2,406 fugitives, and 404 ordinary accused detained.

Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamiana emphasized that the actions against criminals are indiscriminate, with technological support from applications like Smart Eye, Hotel Eye, and others aiding in the registration and monitoring of tenancy agreements to further tighten security measures.