Lahore, The Lahore Police Complaint Cell has been providing continuous services to citizens, processing thousands of complaints, As per Chief Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Bilal Siddique Kamiana. He stated that out of the 3,484 applications received by the complaint cell this year, 2,866 have been resolved, while 618 complaints are currently being processed.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, Kamiana detailed the efficiency of the complaint cell in addressing citizens’ concerns. Of the 33 applications received through the Chief Minister’s House portal, 28 have been resolved, with work on 5 still ongoing. Among the 1,842 applicants who visited the CCPO office, 1,439 applications have been processed, with 403 still in progress. Regarding postal requests, 1,608 were received, with 1,398 processed and 210 in progress.
The CCPO mentioned that public complaints are being resolved through the police helpline 1242 in a timely manner. He emphasized the importance of this service in providing relief to the citizens, adding that the complaint cell at the CCPO office plays a key role in addressing the problems of ordinary citizens quickly and efficiently.
Kamiana’s comments underscore the Lahore Police’s commitment to handling public complaints effectively and ensuring a responsive system for addressing citizens’ concerns.