Lahore, Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, emphasized the swift resolution of issues faced by police employees and their families as a top priority during a meeting at the Central Police Office. The IG Punjab issued directives to ensure that all requests related to welfare, discipline, and administrative matters are addressed promptly and with merit.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Anwar met with police employees and their families to hear their concerns firsthand and issued several orders to provide immediate relief. Among these directives, he tasked the DIG Welfare Punjab with assisting the son of Faisalabad Police Mali Liaquat Ali with medical expenses. Additionally, the DPO Kasur was instructed to personally oversee the investigation and ensure relief for Sub Inspector Muhammad Mumtaz.
The IG Punjab also took action on other requests, including forwarding TASI Dilshad’s application for a bravery award to the CCPO Lahore for necessary action and directing the CCPO Lahore to facilitate a mutual transfer request by Constable Muhammad Imran. Furthermore, requests for the transfer of Traffic Assistant Muhammad Zahid and Ehsan Ali to their native districts were sent to the Additional IG Traffic Punjab for review and action.
Dr. Anwar reaffirmed that the welfare of police personnel is of utmost importance and that supervisory officers are expected to provide timely and effective relief under their personal supervision. This approach is aimed at fostering a supportive environment for the force and their families, reflecting a commitment to addressing their professional and personal needs efficiently.