Ladakh Faces Shortages Due to Srinagar-Leh Highway Closure

Leh, The recent closure of the Srinagar-Leh Highway has led to significant shortages of essential commodities in the Ladakh region of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, impacting both residents and tourists.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Dr. Ishey Namgyal, leader of the Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA), highlighted the severe lack of milk, vegetables, butter, and other necessities due to the road’s closure. The situation has not only affected local communities but also tourists who find themselves stranded without adequate supplies. Namgyal criticized the management of the highway, suggesting that authorities should ensure the road remains reliably open during the summer rather than just sporadically for a few days at a time.

This inconsistency not only disrupts local life but also damages the region’s tourism reputation. Local business leaders, including a prominent hotelier, echoed these concerns, emphasizing the region’s dependence on the highway for essential supplies and calling for better infrastructure management to prevent future shortages.