Srinagar, In the Yemlar area of Kupwara district, residents are facing significant hardships due to the lack of basic amenities, from deteriorated road conditions to erratic power supply and insufficient potable water. The community’s grievances highlight a broader issue of administrative neglect in the region, affecting daily life and livelihoods.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the primary complaint from Yemlar’s residents concerns the deplorable state of their main road, riddled with potholes and causing considerable distress for commuters. Despite repeated appeals to the relevant authorities, locals report that promises of road repair and macadamization remain unfulfilled, leading to a cycle of frustration and inconvenience.
Additionally, the Power Development Department’s inconsistent electricity provision, coupled with rising tariffs, has stirred discontent among the populace. Abdul Hadi, a resident, voiced the community’s concern over the financial strain caused by increased power charges, which are becoming unaffordable for many, especially those reliant on daily wage labor.
The situation is further exacerbated by a damaged water pipeline, a relic from decades past, which now fails to deliver adequate water supply to the village’s households. This has left many without access to clean tap water, underscoring the critical need for infrastructure upgrades and maintenance in the area.
The collective challenges faced by the residents of Yemlar serve as a stark reminder of the essential role of government and local authorities in providing and maintaining basic services, essential for the wellbeing and socioeconomic stability of communities.