Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Minister for Education, Faisal Khan Turkai, has announced a series of ambitious education development projects aimed at significantly enhancing the region’s educational infrastructure. The comprehensive plan, part of this year’s balanced Annual Development Program (ADP), allocates substantial funds to both ongoing and new educational initiatives across the province.
According to Directorate General Information and PRs – Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Minister Turkai detailed the progress of 107 ongoing projects, with 90 nearing completion. These projects span the construction of schools, establishment of model schools, and setting up of IT and science labs, which are pivotal to the department’s developmental trajectory.
Additionally, the new initiatives under the ADP include converting Maktab schools into regular schools, establishing schools in rented buildings, and introducing technology courses in middle, high, and higher secondary schools. During the ADP review meeting attended by Secretary Education Masood Ahmed and other senior officials, Turkai also highlighted the strategic plans for solarizing IT labs and upgrading necessary equipment to modernize education in the region.