KCEU to organize protest camp on 13 July in Brussels

Brussels, July 09, 2021 (PPI-OT):Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU) has will organize a one-day protest camp on Tuesday in Brussels in remembrance of Kashmiri martyrs of 13 July 1931. On 13 July 1931, thousands of Kashmiris flocked to the central jail in Srinagar to see the trial of a Kashmiri namely Abdul Qadeer. The then Dogra ruler of Jammu and Kashmir ordered his soldiers to open fire on them, killing 22 Kashmiris. The protest camp in Brussels would be held at 11:30 am in front of the EU External Action Service (EEAS) at Schuman Plas, the European headquarters.

In a statement issued from Brussels, the KCEU Chairman, Ali Raza Syed, paid rich tribute to all the Kashmiri martyrs including martyrs of 13 July 1931. He said, atrocities committed by the Indian forces against the oppressed Kashmiris are rapidly increasing and a recent report of United Nations exposed that a large number of children were targeted by the Indian forces in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the recent years.

At the end of the protest camp, the participants of the camp would hand over a petition to the EU External Action Service officials calling the EU to play its role to stop violations of the children’s rights committed by the Indian forces in IIOJK. According to a recent UN report, the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres has expressed concern over “grave violations” against the children in IIOJK and has asked the Indian government to end the use of shotgun pellets against children.

Ali Raza Syed called upon the UN Security Council to take immediate action to protect children in conflict zones, particularly in IIOJK. Beside the UN, European Union also should use its good offices to pressurize India to stop human rights violations including violence against children and teenagers in IIOJK, he said.

Ali Raza Syed concluded that EU is being considered as champion of human rights, and for that it has moral duty to take action in order to protect rights of the children in the occupied territory. We hope that EU will take serious steps under “EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict” to prevent violations of rights of Kashmiri children, he added. The KCEU will also arrange an anti-India protest demonstration in front of Indian embassy in Brussels on 5th August 2021. It was 5th August 2019, when Modi-led fascist Indian government repealed articles 370 and 35A of Indian Constitution that granted special status IIOJK and rights to Kashmiris.

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