Kashmir’s Accession Day Commemorated Amid Calls for Freedom

Islamabad: A seminar organized by the Youth Forum for Kashmir and the Institute of Regional Studies marked the anniversary of Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day, reflecting on the region’s historic decision and the ongoing struggle against Indian rule.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the event recalled the resolution passed on July 19, 1947, by the Kashmiri leadership at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan in Srinagar, which declared their intent to join Pakistan. This resolution, a crucial moment in Kashmir’s history, was made approximately a month before the creation of Pakistan itself, setting a precedent for the region’s aspirations.

The speakers, including Senator Zarqa Suhrawardy, APHC-AJK leaders Altaf Hussain Wani and Sheikh Abdul Mateen, senior analyst Farrukh Pitafi, Ambassador Jauhar Saleem, and human rights activist Zaman Bajwa, emphasized the unyielding spirit of the Kashmiri people despite decades of Indian atrocities. They argued that India’s attempts to subjugate Kashmir through purported developmental efforts have consistently failed, highlighting ongoing human rights violations and the suppression of the Kashmiri will.

Furthermore, the speakers acknowledged Pakistan’s steadfast support for the Kashmiri cause, appreciating its role in advocating for Kashmir’s freedom on international platforms. The seminar served not only as a remembrance of the historical decision in 1947 but also as a reaffirmation of the Kashmiri people’s ongoing struggle for self-determination and resistance against occupation.