Kashmiris observing Right to Self-Determination Day today 

Islamabad, January 05, 2023 (PPI-OT):Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over are observing the Right to Self-Determination Day, today, to remind the international community, particularly the United Nations, its obligations regarding the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. Call for observance of the day has been given by the All Parties Hurriyat Conference.

The day is being marked by various activities including protest demonstrations, rallies, seminars and conferences in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan and across the world to call upon the UN that it must implement its relevant resolutions to settle the Kashmir dispute to save the Kashmiris from the Indian state terrorism. On this day in 1949 the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves under a plebiscite to be held under the UN supervision.

The unresolved Kashmir dispute poses a serious threat to the peace of South Asia. The UN resolution of January 05, 1949 provides the base for settlement of the lingering dispute but India’s intransigent attitude had remained a big obstacle in the way of achieving this objective for the last over seven decades. Unfortunately, the World Body’s failure to implement its resolutions on Kashmir has resulted in the continued suffering of the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

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