Kashmiris Observe India’s Independence Day as ‘Black Day’ Amid Tight Security

Islamabad: Today, Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and around the world marked India’s Independence Day as a ‘Black Day’, signaling their protest against New Delhi’s celebrations in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, a complete shutdown was observed across the occupied territory, with residents displaying black flags on homes, street poles, and trees to symbolize mourning and protest. The region presented a deserted appearance due to the widespread strike, emphasizing the local sentiment against Indian authority.

Concurrently, the Indian-installed administration heightened security across the Kashmir Valley, transforming it into what many described as a military garrison. Stringent security measures, including helicopter and drone surveillance, were implemented to deter public gatherings and anti-India demonstrations.

Security forces, including the elite Special Operational Group of the Indian police, the Indian Army, and paramilitary units, were reported to be conducting extensive area domination exercises around significant locations in Srinagar, such as Lal Chowk and Bakhshi Stadium, where the main Independence Day event was scheduled.

Additionally, protest rallies took place in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, and several major global capitals, drawing attention to the ongoing issues in IIOJK. Demonstrators voiced their discontent with slogans such as “Go India Go back”, “We Want Freedom”, and “Wake up UN wake up”.

In Brussels, a notable demonstration is planned in front of the Indian Embassy, organized by the Kashmir Council Europe, to further highlight the cause and gather support from international communities.