Kashmiris Maintain Struggle for Self-Determination Amid Increased Repression

Islamabad: Despite intensified oppressive measures by the Modi regime in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Kashmiri pursuit of self-determination continues unabated.

According to Kashmir Media Service, political analysts and observers have noted that the current Indian administration has been employing force, intimidation, and extensive crackdowns to suppress the Kashmiri demand for independence. The situation has been marked by a rise in arbitrary detentions and extrajudicial measures aimed at stifling any dissent.

Experts highlight that individuals advocating for Kashmir’s right to self-determination are enduring severe harassment, torture, and even extrajudicial killings. Agencies such as the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the State Investigation Agency (SIA) have been particularly active, targeting those at the forefront of the freedom movement, thus exacerbating the atmosphere of fear and repression.