Kashmiris Commemorate Pakistani Martyrs on Defence Day, Acknowledge Support in Freedom Effort

Srinagar: On Pakistan Defence Day, the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) have paid tributes to the Pakistani martyrs of the 1965 war, commemorating their sacrifices and highlighting the ongoing struggle for freedom from Indian occupation.

According to Kashmir Media Service, as Pakistan marks Defence Day, the citizens of IIOJK stand in unity with Pakistan, commemorating the sacrifices of Pakistani soldiers and civilians during the 1965 conflict with India. The day is observed not just as a memory of valor but also as an expression of solid support to the Kashmiri cause, emphasizing the unresolved status of Kashmir as a critical element of the Pakistan Movement. The deep ties between the people of IIOJK and Pakistan were noted as key motivators in the Kashmiris’ continued struggle for liberation, reinforced by shared religious, historical, cultural, and geographical bonds.

Leaders of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) highlighted the 1965 conflict as a pivotal moment when India’s threats were met with strong resistance by Pakistan, which played a crucial role in defending the country’s sovereignty. They criticized India’s ongoing denial of self-determination rights to the Kashmiris and the associated brutalities. Further, they lauded Pakistan’s consistent advocacy for Kashmir’s right to self-determination and the need for resolving the Kashmir dispute as per UN resolutions to ease tensions between Pakistan and India.

The APHC leaders also reiterated the strategic importance of Kashmir to Pakistan, famously described by Muhammad Ali Jinnah as the “jugular vein” of the country. Their statements reinforced the sentiment that Pakistan’s fate and the Kashmir cause are inseparably linked, with the leaders calling for continued vigilance and support from the Pakistani populace against efforts to undermine the nation’s stability.