Kashmiris Assert UN-Pledged Right to Self-Determination Amid Indian Occupation

Islamabad: Residents of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are actively pursuing their right to self-determination, a commitment recognized and upheld by United Nations resolutions.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a report released today affirms that the international community acknowledges the Kashmiri movement for freedom as legitimate under international law. This law grants Kashmiris the right to seek independence from Indian control.

The report emphasizes that the UN Security Council has validated the Kashmiri effort to realize self-determination. It portrays the ongoing struggle as a reflection of widespread public sentiment in IIOJK, rooted in the principles of the UN Charter, and declares that the movement will persist until the UN resolutions are implemented.

Furthermore, the report criticizes India’s attempts to label the Kashmiri freedom movement as terrorism through misleading operations and narratives. It stresses that the global community should support the Kashmiri pursuit of freedom and self-determination, underscoring the Kashmiris’ resolution to carry on their struggle to a conclusive end.