Chandigarh, A group of Kashmiri students was reportedly assaulted by extremist Hindus at the CT Institute of Engineering in Shahpur, Chandigarh, marking another instance of violence against Kashmiris in Indian educational institutions. The incident has led to protests on the campus, with students demanding action against the perpetrators and better protection from the college authorities.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the confrontation began after a female Kashmiri student was heckled and harassed by some students affiliated with Hindutva ideologies. Despite lodging a complaint with the college committee, the Kashmiri students expressed frustration over the lack of responsive action, which they claim led to a repeat of the harassment and escalated into physical violence against several students from Jammu and Kashmir.
The assault and subsequent inaction by the college authorities have caused significant unrest among the student body, especially among female students who feel particularly vulnerable in the face of such targeted harassment. The situation on campus has deteriorated, prompting mainly Kashmiri students to stage protests demanding accountability and immediate intervention by the institute’s administration and law enforcement agencies to ensure their safety and security.
The incident at the CT Institute of Engineering highlights ongoing issues of discrimination and violence faced by Kashmiri students in parts of India, raising concerns about their well-being and the responsibilities of educational institutions to foster a safe and inclusive environment for all students.