Kashmiri Prisoners Suffer Severe Heat in Indian Detention Facilities

Srinagar: In the midst of a severe heatwave, Kashmiri prisoners held under stringent laws in Indian jails are reportedly enduring extreme conditions.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the already challenging conditions for these detainees have worsened due to this year’s significant heatwave. The Leaflet, an online Indian news portal, highlighted the struggles faced by several undertrial Kashmiri prisoners at Tihar Jail in Delhi, known for its harsh environments. These detainees have been incarcerated since 2018 under laws such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and the Public Safety Act, often on contested charges.

The Leaflet has communicated with family members of these prisoners, shedding light on the perilous conditions exacerbated by the current heatwave, thereby intensifying the humanitarian concerns surrounding their detention.