Kashmiri Pandit Extends Aid to Bohrikadal Fire Victims, Emphasizes Communal Unity

Srinagar: Satish Mahaldar, a Kashmiri Pandit based in Delhi, made a donation to aid the victims of a recent fire in the Bohrikadal area of Srinagar, in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, showcasing a strong act of communal harmony.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mahaldar, who studied engineering, expressed his intention was to support those severely affected by the tragedy. “In this devastating fire, I saw people of all ages, including men, women, children, and the elderly, losing their shelters,” stated Mahaldar, highlighting the extensive impact of the disaster on the community.

Although Mahaldar recognized the limitations of his financial contribution—25,000 rupees—he described it as “a token of love for those Kashmiri people who lost their homes.” He recalled past times when Pandits and Muslims in Kashmir shared both sorrows and joys, advocating for widespread communal support. “Every bit counts, and together, we can make a difference,” he urged, calling on others to contribute to the relief efforts.

The Bohrikadal fire has left numerous families without homes, prompting a local response that includes various individual and organizational efforts to help those affected. Despite these community-driven initiatives, official assistance from occupation authorities has been lacking.