Kashmiri Leader Shabbir Shah Marks Seven Years in Indian Custody

Srinagar: Shabbir Ahmad Shah, the Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), has completed seven years in detention at Tihar Jail, New Delhi, amid claims of wrongful imprisonment and calls for his release.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the DFP’s acting chairman, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, stated in Islamabad that Shah was taken into custody by India’s National Investigation Agency on unproven charges. Despite extensive charge-sheets, Saghar claims no concrete evidence has been presented to support the allegations against Shah, who has spent a significant portion of his life detained under similar circumstances.

The DFP highlighted Shah’s commitment to the Kashmiri cause and his advocacy for a resolution through dialogue, describing his long imprisonment as part of a broader history of resistance among Kashmiri leaders. The party is appealing to international communities to intervene in the Kashmir dispute and support a resolution that aligns with the Kashmiri people’s aspirations.