Kashmir Leader Warns Foreign Diplomats of India’s Misleading Election Narrative in Geneva

Geneva: Altaf Hussain Wani, Chairman of the Kashmir Institute of International Relations, has warned foreign diplomats about India’s misleading portrayal of the upcoming assembly elections in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Wani claims these elections are being used by India to propagate a false sense of normalcy and mislead international opinion about the real situation in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Wani addressed the diplomats in a joint communique, highlighting the significance of the grim circumstances in Jammu and Kashmir on an international scale. He explained that the United Nations Security Council resolutions since 1947 mandate that the final status of Jammu and Kashmir should be determined through a free and impartial plebiscite under UN oversight.

Wani expressed concern that the invitation extended to diplomats to observe the elections could be exploited by India to project an image of legitimacy and normalcy. He stressed that this does not reflect the true concerns and conditions faced by the people of Kashmir.

The chairman urged the diplomats to recognize the restrictions on accessing local populations and human rights victims, support a United Nations fact-finding mission to the region, allow international human rights organizations to monitor violations, and advocate for the immediate release of detained political leaders, activists, and human rights defenders.

Wani concluded by expressing his hope that the diplomats’ visit would help draw international attention to the need for a genuine dialogue that prioritizes the voices and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.