Kashmir Council Europe Chairman Affirms Continuation of Self-Determination Struggle

Brussels, In a statement marking the Right to Self-Determination Day for Kashmiris, Ali Raza Syed, Chairman of the Kashmir Council Europe (KCEU), affirmed that Kashmiris remain steadfast in their struggle for the right to self-determination, a right recognized internationally.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the statement was issued in Brussels in connection with the commemoration of the Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination Day on January 5th. This date marks the anniversary of the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan’s 1949 resolution, which endorsed the Kashmiris’ right to determine their future through a UN-sponsored plebiscite.

Ali Raza Syed emphasized the significance of the UN resolution of January 5, 1949, as the foundational basis for resolving the Kashmir dispute. He criticized India’s adverse attitude as a primary obstacle in realizing this objective. He expressed his disappointment with the failure of the World Body to enforce its resolutions, resulting in the continued suffering of the Kashmiri people.

Syed accused India of perpetrating severe state terrorism in occupied Jammu and Kashmir for over 76 years. He highlighted the unchecked powers granted to Indian troops, police, military, and paramilitary personnel, leading to atrocities against the people in the occupied territory who seek their United Nations-recognized right to self-determination.

Furthermore, he asserted that achieving lasting peace in South Asia is contingent upon resolving the Kashmir conflict. Syed urged the United Nations to fulfill its responsibility by implementing its resolutions to address this longstanding dispute.