Kashmir Black Day Commemorated at Pakistani Embassy in Abidjan

Abidjan: In a somber observance on Sunday, the Embassy of Pakistan in Abidjan marked Kashmir Black Day, an event that drew participation from members of the Pakistani community and embassy officials. The gathering focused on expressing solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and emphasized the ongoing struggle for self-determination faced by the residents of the region.

According to Press Information Department, the program included readings from the Holy Quran, and the national anthems of Pakistan and Kashmir were played. The messages of Pakistan’s President, Prime Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister were also shared with attendees. Ambassador Mahmood Akhtar Mahmood provided an overview of the historical context of Kashmir Black Day, underscoring the prolonged hardships and resistance of the people of IIOJK against Indian rule. He remarked on the importance of conveying the severity of human rights violations in Kashmir to both the government and civil society figures in Côte d’Ivoire.

The ambassador emphasized Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Kashmiri cause, noting that efforts had intensified following India’s controversial actions on August 5, 2019. He called on the international community to hold India accountable for its actions in the region and urged Pakistani nationals in Côte d’Ivoire to act as representatives for Kashmiris, sharing their stories and advocating for their rights. The event concluded with prayers for the success of the Kashmiri people’s struggle for freedom, followed by refreshments.