Karachi Safari Park Celebrates Birth of Multiple Newborn Animals

Karachi: The city’s Safari Park is buzzing with excitement following the recent births of numerous animals, which has significantly increased visitor traffic. Among the new residents are seven Black Buck calves, six Spotted Deer fawns, two Ibex kids, and one offspring each from a Mouflon, a camel, and a pair of horses. These additions come shortly after the birth of three lion cubs at the Karachi Zoo, underscoring a notable period of growth for local wildlife facilities.

According to Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, “Mayor Karachi, Barrister Murtaza Wahab, has directed Senior Director Recreation Iqbal Nawaz to provide special care for the newborn animals at the Safari Park, focusing on their diet and health.” The Mayor expressed optimism about the positive impact of these new births on addressing the animal shortage at the zoo and Safari Park. He highlighted that the Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) is intensifying efforts to enhance recreational facilities across the city, drawing thousands of visitors daily to these spots.

The Mayor also touched on improvements across other city parks, like Bagh Ibn Qasim, Aziz Bhatti Park, and Hill Park, including new features such as mazes and bicycle tracks aimed at attracting school children. Further, he detailed ongoing efforts to repair and reconstruct roads damaged by recent rains, emphasizing a commitment to quick and effective infrastructure recovery mirroring the successful management of water drainage during the rainy season.