Karachi, In a strategic move to bolster the effectiveness of its investigation department, the Sindh Police, under the leadership of IG Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon, convened a meeting at the Central Police Office to discuss a series of reforms and enhancements. The meeting saw participation from various department heads within the police force, focusing on improving legal processes and upgrading departmental functions.
According to Sindh Police, the discussions centered around a proposal for structural reforms in the investigation department, presented by the DIG of Crime and Investigation. This proposal includes a requirement for investigating officers, such as SHOs and inspectors, to resolve 25 cases before being considered for promotion. Further, it recommends that these reforms be incorporated into the Police Rules through an amendment by the Sindh Government.
IG Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon outlined several initiatives aimed at strengthening the department’s capabilities. These include the provision of computer training courses for investigation officers and their teams, and the establishment of a more comprehensive system for case management that extends beyond initial challans to include witness protection, digital monitoring, and crime analysis.
Additionally, the IG emphasized the integration of younger officers into the investigation department and mentioned the implementation of financial incentives and rewards for cases handled within the department. These measures are part of a broader strategy to enhance the quality and efficiency of police investigations across the province.