Karachi, In a significant move towards bolstering law enforcement capabilities, IG Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon hosted a delegation of officers from the New York Police Department at the Central Police Office Karachi. The meeting, chaired by Ahmad Khalil, President of the Pakistani American Law Society, aimed to foster cooperation and share best practices between the two police forces.
According to Sindh Police, the session was attended by DIGs and officers from various departments including Headquarters, IT, and Establishment. IG Sindh provided an in-depth briefing on the initiatives and technological advancements employed by the Sindh Police, such as geofencing and tracking systems, which have drawn commendation from their New York counterparts.
The New York delegation recognized the similarities between Karachi and New York as metropolitan areas and discussed the potential benefits of adopting NYPD’s strategies against street crime, drug use, and vehicle theft. Both sides agreed to enhance their collaborative efforts in these areas.
The meeting concluded with the appointment of a DIG Headquarters and IT Focal Person to spearhead this inter-departmental cooperation. Additionally, IG Sindh was honored with badges and souvenirs from the New York Police, symbolizing the strengthened ties between the two organizations.